Data Analysis - 120 years of Olympic history: athletes and results

Data Analysis - 120 years of Olympic history: athletes and results


This analysis aims to perform EDA and answer the following questions.

  • Which are the Top 10 Countries that won medals?
  • What is the trend between men and women over time?
  • What is the contribution of the top ten countries over all other countries?

Note: The dataset used in this project is from an external resource (kaggle). Tools Used: MS Excel

Features/columns of the data set

  1. Name - Athlete's name
  2. ID - Unique number for each athlete
  3. Sex - M or F
  4. Age - Integer
  5. Height - In centimeters
  6. Weight - In kilograms
  7. Team - Team name
  8. NOC - National Olympic Committee 3-letter code
  9. Games - Year and season
  10. Year - Integer
  11. Season - Summer or Winter
  12. City - Host city
  13. Sport - Sport
  14. Event - Event
  15. Medal - Gold, Silver, Bronze, or NA

sneak peak of data.PNG

Sneak peek of the dataset

Women's performance was diminutive initially men vs women overtime.png

This line plot is the trend of the summer Olympics from 1896 to 2016.

but over time it increased and trying align with men trend

men vs women winter.png

This line plot is the trend of the winter Olympics from 1896 to 2016

Which are the Top 10 Countries that won medals?

USA is the leading team till 2016

top ten countries over time.png

Contribution of top ten countries’ medals among all other countries?

contribution of top 10 countries amoung all.png